


See also: , か゚, and

U+304B, か



Stroke order

Etymology 1

Derived in the Heian period from writing the man'yōgana kanji in the cursive sōsho style.


  • IPA(key): [ka̠]
  • (file)


(romaji ka)

  1. The hiragana syllable (ka). Its equivalent in katakana is (ka). It is the sixth syllable in the gojūon order; its position is か行あ段 (ka-gyō a-dan, row ka, section a).
Derived terms
  • (ga)
See also
  • (Hiragana) 平仮名; , , , , , , , , , 𛄲, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 𛀆, , 𛀁, , ら゚, り゚, る゚, れ゚, ろ゚, わ゙, 𛅐ゐ゙, 𛄟, 𛅑ゑ゙, 𛅒を゙, , , , ,

Etymology 2

Alternative spellings
(literary, obsolete)
(literary, obsolete)

From Proto-Japonic *ka. Compare Korean (ga), (kka, interrogative particle), Finnish -ko, -kö (interrogative suffix), Indonesian kah (interrogative suffix), Malay kah (interrogative suffix), Kapampangan (interrogative particle), Marathi का (, interrogative particle).



  1. final interrogative particle, similar to a question mark ("?").
    O-genki desu ka.
    How are you?
    (literally, “Are you well?”)
    Dō sureba ii ka wakaranai.
    I don't know what I should do.
  2. particle marking alternatives in a list; "or"
    Kore ka, sore ka, dotchika erande yo.
    This or that, choose one of them.
  3. whether (or not)
    Iku ka shiranai.
    I don't know whether he'll go.
  4. indication of doubt
    Iku ka to omoimasu ga……
    I think he'll go (but I'm not sure)....
Usage notes
  • In Classical Japanese, attaches to the rentaikei:
    Dare ga tenchi o tsukurishi ka.
    Who made the heaven and the earth?
  • The Japanese full stop is traditionally used in place of a question mark after this particle.
Alternative forms
  • (ke)
  • けえ ()
See also
  • (ne)

Etymology 3

First cited to The Tale of Genji (c. 1001-1014).[1]



  1. (emphatic, before an adjective, non-productive) very
    + 弱い (yowai)か弱い (kayowai)
    + 細い (hosoi)か細い (kabosoi)

Etymology 4

From Old Japanese. Only persists in stems. No longer productive in Modern Japanese.



  1. forms 形容動詞 (keiyō dōshi, -na adjectives) from stems, indicating the state or feeling of an object
Usage notes
  • May attach directly to a root.
    • (shizu-) + (-ka)静か (shizuka, quiet)
    • (oro-) + (-ka)愚か (oroka, foolish)
    • (koma-) + (-ka)細か (komaka, tiny; detailed)
  • May be followed in turn by -i adjective-forming suffix しい (-shii).
    • (oro-) + (-ka) + しい (-shii)愚かしい (orokashii, foolish)
    • (koma-) + (-ka) + しい (-shii)細かしい (komakashii, tiny, archaic)
  • More rarely, may be followed by -i adjective-forming suffix (-i).
    • (koma-) + (-ka) + (-i)細かい (komakai, tiny; detailed)
    • (atata-) + (-ka) + (-i)暖かい (atatakai, warm)
  • Often follows -na adjective-forming suffixes (ya) or (ra); see also やか (-yaka) and らか (-raka)
    • (sawa-) + (-ya) + (-ka)爽やか (sawayaka, refreshing; clear; eloquent)
    • (aki-) + (-ra) + (-ka)明らか (akiraka, apparent; clear)

Etymology 5

For pronunciation and definitions of – see the following entries.
[counter] daytimes
[counter] number of days
[noun] a pleasant smell; a scent, a fragrance, an aroma
[noun] mosquito
[noun] (archaic) deer
[pronoun] distal demonstrative, something far off removed from both speaker and listener: that, yon
(This term, , is an alternative spelling of the above terms.
For a list of all kanji read as , not just those used in Japanese terms, see Category:Japanese kanji read as か.)

Etymology 6

For pronunciation and definitions of – see the following entries.
[affix] down; below; beneath
[suffix] under a situation
[noun] a fire
[noun] one of the five classical elements in traditional Chinese philosophy and medicine: see Wu Xing on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
[noun] (historical) under the old 律令 (Ritsuryō) system of ancient Japan, a military grouping, consisting of 10 soldiers: a squad
[noun] Short for 火曜日 (kayōbi): Tuesday
[affix] fire
[affix] light
[affix] burning
[affix] passion
[affix] imminently
[affix] explosive
[proper noun] Antares, in the constellation Scorpio
[affix] flower
[affix] red-light district
[suffix] department, section
[suffix] (taxonomy) family
[proper noun] the Xia dynasty (first dynasty of China)
[proper noun] Short for 大夏 (Daika): Xia, one of the Sixteen Kingdoms
[proper noun] Short for 西夏 (Seika): Western Xia, an empire during the Song dynasty
[proper noun] a surname
[proper noun] a male or female given name
[suffix] an expert, professional, performer
[affix] a song; to sing
[affix] Japanese poetry; waka
[affix] to change; to take the form of
[affix] to influence
[suffix] -ization, -ification; action of making something that way
[counter] loads that can be carried on one's shoulders
[noun] addition
[affix] addition
[affix] Short for 加奈陀 (Canada (a country)).
[affix] (US) Short for 加州 (California (a state of the United States)).
[counter] pieces of fruit
[noun] fruit
[noun] (Buddhism) phala, attained state, result
[noun] (Buddhism) enlightenment (as the fruits of one's Buddhist practice)
[affix] currency
[affix] goods
[affix] treasure
[counter] lessons
[counter] chapters of a book
[noun] lesson
[suffix] section, department
[suffix] lesson
[noun] passable
[noun] allowed
[suffix] permitted, allowed, licensed
[prefix] temporary
[prefix] unreal, fake, imaginary
[affix] price
[affix] value
[affix] river
[noun] fault; error; mistake
[noun] the past
[noun] excess
[prefix] (chemistry) super-, over-; per
[affix] beautiful, good
[affix] excellent
[noun] a rack; a mount; a stand
[counter] flat framed items
[noun] flashiness, showiness
[proper noun] a surname
[proper noun] a male or female given name
[counter] fruit
[affix] eddy, swirl, whirlpool, vortex
[noun] minority
[counter] used with numbers in the ichi-ni-san counting system
[counter] indicates small round things, such as gemstones, fruit, stones, tears
[noun] a condyle
[counter] : Counter for months, places or provisions of Classical Chinese origin.
Alternative spellings
(This term, , is an alternative spelling of the above Sino-Japanese terms.
For a list of all kanji read as , not just those used in Japanese terms, see Category:Japanese kanji read as か.)

(The following entries are uncreated: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .)


  1. ”, in 日本国語大辞典 (Nihon Kokugo Daijiten, Nihon Kokugo Daijiten) (in Japanese), 2nd edition, Tōkyō: Shogakukan, 2000, →ISBN




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