释义 |
格格[gé] 名1.■ (方格) check; squares formed by crossed lines; grid; lattice:方格纸squared paper; graph paper2.■ (格子) division (horizontal or otherwise):(药水用法说明)每服一小格。Dose: one measure each time.这书架有五格。This bookcase has five shelves.3.■ (规格; 格式) standard; shape; form; pattern; style:品格one's character and morals;资格qualification;别具一格have a style of its own; original in style or design4.■ (某些语言中名词、代词、形容词的词法范畴) case:主格the nominative case;宾格the objective case;所有格the possessive case5.■ (姓氏) a surname:格班Ge Ban 动1.■ [书] (阻碍;限制) resist; hinder; obstruct; impede:格于规定be barred by regulations2.■ [书] (推究) study carefully; probe into:格物study the phenomena of nature3.■ (打) fight另见 gē。 |