

单词 proceededst





  1. (archaic) second-person singular simple past form of proceed
    • 1577, Anthonie of Gueuara, Edward Hellowes, transl., A Chronicle, Conteyning the Liues of Tenne Emperours of Rome. [], London: [] Ralphe Newberrie [], page 338:
      I may wel call ye ſonnes (O children of my heart) ſince thou Geta proceededſt from mine intrailes, & thee Baſsianus I haue nouriſhed with my breaſtes: & I ſweare by the immortall Gods, that much greater is the loue that I bare thee, then the affinitie which I haue with thy brother.
    • 1815, Robert Lowth, G[eorge] Gregory, transl., Lectures on the Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews, Boston, Mass.: [] Joseph T. Buckingham, [], page 393:
      “O Jehovah, when thou wentest forth out of Seir, / “When thou proceededst from the plains of Edom; / “The earth was moved, the heavens dropped, / “The clouds also dropped water; / “The mountains melted from before the face of Jehovah. / “Sinah itself from before Jehovah, the God of Israel.”
    • 1834, Isabel Hill, Brother Tragedians, volume I, London: Saunders and Otley, [], page 68:
      I trembled for thee; thou proceededst a few steps, and joy returned to my breast.




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