


U+BCF8, 본
Composition:ㅂ + ㅗ + ㄴ

Hangul Syllables

볘 ←→ 봐



  • (SK Standard/Seoul) IPA(key): [po̞n]
  • Phonetic hangul: []
Revised Romanization?bon
Revised Romanization (translit.)?bon
Yale Romanization?pon

Etymology 1

Sino-Korean word from (, root, origin; classifier for books)


(bon) (hanja )

  1. root, basis
  2. essence, nature, true self
    본인이세요?boninIseyo?Is this truly you?
  3. source, origin
  4. role model, model, example (shortened form of 본(本)보기 (bonbogi))
  5. a life-sized object made from a model for making beoseon or clothes
  6. main, primary, principal
    회관bon hoegwanthe main place of meeting
  7. the place where a founding father was born
  8. (only in compounds) book; written record
    희귀(稀貴)a rare book
  9. counter for live trees and bushes

(role model, model, example):

  • 본(本)보기 (bonbogi)

(the place where the founding father was born):

  • 관향(貫鄕) (gwanhyang)
Derived terms

(root, basis):

  • 본말(本末) (bonmal, the fundamental and the incidental)
  • 본질(本質) (bonjil, essence, nature)
  • 근본(根本) (geunbon, root, basis)
  • 기본(基本) (gibon, foundation)
  • 초본(草本) (chobon, herb)

(essence, nature, true self):

  • 본격(本格) (bon'gyeok, authentic, genuine)
  • 본능(本能) (bonneung, instinct)
  • 본명(本命) (bonmyeong, heavenly stem and earthly branch associated with one's birth year)
  • 본분(本分) (bonbun, one's bounden duty)
  • 본성(本性) (bonseong, human nature, one's true colours)
  • 본심(本心) (bonsim, true feelings)
  • 본인(本人) (bonin, you, true you, myself)
  • 본질(本質) (bonjil, essence, nature)
  • 본체(本體) (bonche, essence, nature, main body)

(source, origin):

  • 본관(本官) (bon'gwan, family clan, the place where the founding father was born)
  • 본래(本來) (bollae, origin, originally)
  • 본원(本源) (bonwon, origin, source)
  • 본위(本位) (bonwi, monetary standard)
  • 본자(本字) (bonja, original letter)
  • 본주(本主) (bonju, original proprietor, owner)
  • 부본(副本) (bubon, duplicate copy)
  • 원본(原本) (wonbon, original copy)
  • 일본(日本) (Ilbon, Japan, Land of the Rising Sun)
  • 표본(標本) (pyobon, specimen)

(main, primary, principal):

  • 본루(本壘) (bollu, home base, home plate)
  • 본부(本部) (bonbu, headquarters)
  • 본사(本社) (bonsa, headquarters, head office)
  • 본선(本線) (bonseon, main line)
  • 본전(本錢) (bonjeon, principal, original amount of money)
  • 본점(本店) (bonjeom, head office)
  • 본조(本朝) (bonjo, present dynasty)
  • 본토(本土) (bonto, mainland)
  • 자본(資本) (jabon, capital) (economics)

(book, written record):

  • 각본(脚本) (gakbon, scenario, screenplay, script)
  • 견본(見本) (gyeonbon, sample, example)
  • 독본(讀本) (dokbon, book for reading)
  • 본문(本文) (bonmun, text, passage, the body of a book)
  • 사본(寫本) (sabon, copy)
  • 장본(帳本) (jangbon, account book)


(bon) (hanja )

  1. this, the item in question
    연구bon yeon'guthis research
    사건bon sageonthe incident in question

Etymology 2

Borrowed from German Bonn.

Proper noun


  1. Bonn (a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany)

Etymology 3

Of native Korean origin.



  1. attributive form of 보다 (boda)
    한국에 가 적있어요?
    Han'gug-e ga bon jeog-isseoyo?
    Have you ever been to [South] Korea?

Etymology 4

Korean reading of various Chinese characters.



Extended content
  1. (): root; basis; source; origin
    (eumhun reading: 근본 본 (geunbon bon))
    (MC reading: (MC puənX))


  • Supreme Court of the Republic of Korea (대한민국 대법원, Daehanmin'guk Daebeobwon) (2018). Table of hanja for personal names (인명용 한자표 / 人名用漢字表, Inmyeong-yong hanja-pyo).




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