

单词 timequake




time + quake


timequake (plural timequakes)

  1. (science fiction) A disturbance in the flow of time.
    • 1996 November 16, Mike Abernathy, “Re: faster than light travel”, in sci.physics.electromag, Usenet, message-ID <56la8t$5@sjx-ixn2.ix.netcom.com>:
      Or you can have a revisable universe with one timeline (see Hogan's Thrice Upon a Time or Milennium by (I think) Joe Haldeman for the general idea) and in which your actions can "rewrite" the past from that point on. Here, if you shoot your grandfather, you generate a "timequake" in which something ugly happens. Probably you disappear, but there may be other side-effects as the universe works it out, which is, I think, what you are reffering[sic] to as the "great expense".
    • 2008, Deanna J. McDaniel, Gentle Reads: Great Books to Warm Hearts and Lift Spirits, Grades 5-9, ABC-CLIO, →ISBN, page 217:
      Finding herself in the middle of a “timequake,” she discovers another world—an alternate universe. Will Mary find a way to return to the world she left?




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