

单词 Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/-yeti
< Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European


See also: Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/-yéti
This Proto-Indo-European entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.




  1. Creates transitive imperfective verbs from roots.

Usage notes

In many daughter languages, this suffix came to be affixed to stems as well. It was used frequently to convert originally athematic inflections into thematic inflections.


Imperfective, thematic
3rd singular*(é)-yeti
3rd plural*(é)-yonti
Active voicePresent indicativePast indicativeImperativeSubjunctiveOptative
1st singular*(é)-yoh₂*(é)-yom*(é)-yōh₂*(é)-yoyh₁m̥
2nd singular*(é)-yesi*(é)-yes*(é)-ye*(é)-yēsi*(é)-yoys
3rd singular*(é)-yeti*(é)-yet*(é)-yetu*(é)-yēti*(é)-yoyt
1st dual*(é)-yowos*(é)-yowe*(é)-yōwos*(é)-yoywe
2nd dual*(é)-yetes*(é)-yetom*(é)-yetom*(é)-yētes*(é)-yoytom
3rd dual*(é)-yetes*(é)-yetām*(é)-yetām*(é)-yētes*(é)-yoytām
1st plural*(é)-yomos*(é)-yome*(é)-yōmos*(é)-yoyme
2nd plural*(é)-yete*(é)-yete*(é)-yete*(é)-yēte*(é)-yoyte
3rd plural*(é)-yonti*(é)-yont*(é)-yontu*(é)-yōnti*(é)-yoyh₁n̥t
Middle voicePresent indicativePast indicativeImperativeSubjunctiveOptative
1st singular*(é)-yoh₂er*(é)-yoh₂e*(é)-yōh₂er*(é)-yoyh₂e
2nd singular*(é)-yeth₂er*(é)-yeth₂e*(é)-yeso*(é)-yēth₂er*(é)-yoyth₂e
3rd singular*(é)-yetor*(é)-yeto*?*(é)-yētor*(é)-yoyto, *(é)-yoyh₁o
1st dual*(é)-yowosdʰh₂*(é)-yowedʰh₂*(é)-yōwosdʰh₂*(é)-yoywedʰh₂
2nd dual*?*?*?*?*?
3rd dual*?*?*?*?*?
1st plural*(é)-yomosdʰh₂*(é)-yomedʰh₂*(é)-yōmosdʰh₂*(é)-yoymedʰh₂
2nd plural*(é)-yedʰh₂we*(é)-yedʰh₂we*(é)-yedʰh₂we*(é)-yēdʰh₂we*(é)-yoydʰh₂we
3rd plural*(é)-yoror, *(é)-yontor*(é)-yoro, *(é)-yonto*?*(é)-yōror, *(é)-yōntor*(é)-yoyro, *(é)-yoyh₁n̥to

Derived terms

Proto-Indo-European terms suffixed with *-yeti
  • *-éyeti
  • *-éh₁yeti


  • Armenian:
    • Old Armenian: -եմ (-em) (partially)
  • Proto-Germanic: *-(i)ja- (j-presents, class 1 weak verbs)
  • Proto-Hellenic: *-yō
    • Ancient Greek: -έω (-éō) (partially, when added to roots, when compounded with *-e- (noun thematic vowel), ie. *-eyé-, when added to s-stem nouns, ie. *-esyé-)
    • Ancient Greek: -όω (-óō) (aboriginal ἀρόω (aróō) and new denominative verbs to o-stem nouns)
    • Ancient Greek: -πτω (-ptō) (< *-pye-, *-pʰye-)
    • Ancient Greek: -σσω (-ssō), -ττω (-ttō) (< *-kye-, *-kʰye-, *-kʷye-, *-kʷʰye-, *-tye-, *-tʰye-, *-gye-)
    • Ancient Greek: -ζω (-zō) (< *-gye-, *-gʷye-, *-dye-)
    • Ancient Greek: -λλω (-llō) (< *-lye-)
    • Ancient Greek: -ιCω (-iCō) (< *-Cye-)
  • Italic:
    • Latin: -iō (Third conjugation verbs iō-variation)
    • Latin: -iō (Fourth conjugation verbs, partially, when compounded with *-i- (noun thematic vowel), ie. *-iyé-, or by later non-inherited fabrications)
  • Proto-Indo-Iranian: *-yatay
    • Proto-Indo-Aryan: *-yatay
      • Sanskrit: -यते (-yate)
    • Proto-Iranian: *-yatay
      • Younger Avestan: -𐬌𐬌𐬁𐬌𐬙𐬈 (-iiāite)

See also

  • *-yéti


  • Sihler, Andrew L. (1995) New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin, Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
  • Ringe, Donald (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1), Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN




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