

单词 canard



WOTD – 5 September 2012


Borrowed from French canard (duck, hoax).


  • (General American) IPA(key): /kəˈnɑɹd/
  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /kəˈnɑːd/
  • Rhymes: -ɑː(ɹ)d
  • (file)


canard (plural canards)

A pair of canards on a fighter jet
  1. A false or misleading report or story, especially if deliberately so.
    • 2005, The New Yorker, 29 August, page 78.
      It’s a cinch, now that Spurling has cleared away a century’s worth of misapprehensions and canards.
    • 2006, Arundhati Roy, Ordinary Person's Guide To Empire, page 40
      There is a notion gaining credence that the free market breaks down national barriers, and that corporate globalization's ultimate destination is a hippie paradise where the heart is the only passport and we all live together happily inside a John Lennon song (Imagine there's no country...). This is a canard.
    • 2014 August 20, “Why Jews are worried [print version: International New York Times, 22 August 2014, p. 8]”, in The New York Times:
      [W]hen a Hamas spokesman recently stood by his statement that Jews used the blood of non-Jewish children for their matzos – one of the oldest anti-Semitic canards around – European elites were largely silent.
    • 2021 November 17, Anthony Lambert, “How do we grow the leisure market?”, in RAIL, number 944, page 37:
      It is a canard trotted out by lazy or tendentious journalists that nationalised British Railways lacked entrepreneurial flair.
  2. (aviation) A type of aircraft in which the primary horizontal control and stabilization surfaces are in front of the main wing.
  3. (aviation, by extension) A horizontal control and stabilization surface located in front of the main wing of an aircraft.
  4. (transport, engineering, by extension) Any small winglike structure on a vehicle, usually used for stabilization.


  • (false or misleading report or story): hoax



  • Arcand



Borrowed from French canard.


  • IPA(key): /kaːˈnaːr/
  • (file)
  • Hyphenation: ca‧nard


canard m (plural canards, diminutive canardje n)

  1. (dialectal, East and West Flanders, possibly obsolete) duck
  2. canard, hoax



From Middle French canard, from Old French quanart (duck), from cane (duck) + -ard. Perhaps ultimately from the same imitative root as caner (cackle, prattle).

Alternatively from Middle French canard (duck, male duck), from cane (duck, female duck, literally floater, little boat), from Old French cane (boat, ship; waterbird), from Middle Low German kane (boat), from Old Saxon *kano, from Proto-Germanic *kanô (boat, vessel), from Proto-Indo-European *gan-, *gandʰ- (vessel, tub).

Cognate with Norwegian kane (swan-shaped vessel), German Kahn (boat), Old Norse kæna (little boat), and possibly Old Norse knǫrr (ship) (whence also Late Latin canardus (ship), from Germanic; and Old English cnearr (merchant ship)). Related to French canot (little boat).


  • IPA(key): /ka.naʁ/
  • (Paris)
  • (Paris)
  • (La Tuque)
  • (Canada)
  • Rhymes: -aʁ
  • Homophone: canards


canard m (plural canards, feminine cane)

  1. duck (of either sex)
    • 2005, Erik Verdonck, Foie gras & canard: Les meilleures recettes d'Upignac, page 12
      Aujourd'hui, le réseau de restaurants franchisés permet de faire connaître d'autres produits à base de canard au grand public et d'inspirer les gourmets et les cuisiniers amateurs.
    • 1917, Hans Christian Andersen, André Theuriet (translator), Le vilain petit canard
      Le pauvre canard en eut assez de toutes ces railleries et il décida de s'en aller.
  2. drake (male duck)
    • 1836, "Économie usuelle", in M. Matthieu Bonafous, De la culture des murier et de l'éducation des vers a soie, page 756.
      Il est facile de distinguer le canard commun de la cane. Le mâle est plus gros que la femelle; il a aussi la voix plus forte et le plumage plus éclatant; mais le signe le plus saillant, c'est un assemblage de plusiers plumes retroussées que le mâle portes sur le croupion, à l'origine de la queue. Le canard et la cane sont propres à l'accouplement jusqu'à trois ou quatre ans; il faut les remplacer à cet âge par des sujest plus jeunes. Un canard suffit pour dix ou douze canes.
  3. canard, hoax
    • 1844, Honoré de Balzac, "Monographie de la Presse parisienne", in La grande ville nouveau tableau de Paris comique, critique et philosophique, page 146
      Ce serait être incomplet que de ne pas faire observer ici que Gaspard Hauser n'a jamais existé, pas plus que Clara Wendel et le brigand Schubry. Paris, la France et l'Europe ont cru à ces canards.
  4. (slang, informal) newspaper
    Le canard enchaîné
    • 2015, Jérémy Bouquin, Entrailles, page 6
      Duval ne répond pas, il a lu le canard, cette affaire de cambriole.
    • 2000, Gérard Valbert, La saison des armours, page 18
      Usant de gros titres, le canard met en garde la population.
  5. (slang, informal) a man who complies with every desire of his partner in order to avoid conflict
  6. (slang, informal) a man who tries to attract women by offering them gifts
  7. lump of sugar dunked in coffee or brandy
  8. (music, colloquial) off-note

Derived terms

  • canardage
  • canard boiteux
  • canard brun
  • canard d'Amérique
  • canarder
  • canardière
  • canard siffleur
  • faire le canard
  • froid de canard
  • il y a plusieurs façons de plumer un canard
  • ne pas casser trois pattes à un canard
  • vilain petit canard


  • Dutch: canard
  • English: canard
  • Italian: canard
  • Portuguese: canard
  • Vietnamese: tin vịt (calque)

Further reading

  • canard”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.


  • cadran



Unadapted borrowing from French canard.


canard m (invariable)

  1. canard, hoax



Unadapted borrowing from French canard.


canard m (plural canards)

  1. (aeronautics) canard (type of aircraft)
  2. (transport, engineering) canard (winglike structure on a vehicle)




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