

单词 buzzard


See also: Buzzard


Common buzzard, Buteo buteo, an Old World buzzard
American black vulture, Coragyps atratus


From Middle English bosart, from Anglo-Norman buisart, from Old French buison, buson (French buse), possibly from Latin buteō.


  • IPA(key): /ˈbʌzəɹd/
  • (file)


buzzard (plural buzzards)

  1. Any of several Old World birds of prey of the genus Buteo with broad wings and a broad tail.
  2. (Canada, US) Any scavenging bird, such as the American black vulture (Coragyps atratus) or the turkey vulture (Cathartes aura).
  3. (colloquial, derogatory, slang, often preceded by "old", the "old buzzard") In North America, a curmudgeonly or cantankerous man; an old person; a mean, greedy person.
    • 1995, LaRee Bryant, Forever, My Love, page 88:
      Perhaps the crusty old buzzard loved his only child more than anyone had given him credit for all these years — maybe even more than he himself had realized.
  4. (archaic) A blockhead; a dunce.
    • 1640, George Herbert, Jacula Prudentum; or, Outlandish Proverbs, Sentences, etc., in The Remains of that Sweet Singer of the Temple George Herbert, London: Pickering, 1841, p. 142,
      An old man’s shadow is better than a young buzzard’s sword.
    • 1774, Oliver Goldsmith, Animated Nature, Volume 6, Index,
      It is common, to a proverb, to call one who can not be taught, or who continues obstinately ignorant, a buzzard.
  5. (golf) Synonym of double bogey


  • buteo
  • broadwing
  • turkey vulture
  • vulture

Coordinate terms


  • bogey
  • par
  • birdie
  • eagle
  • albatross
  • condor
  • ostrich

Derived terms

  • augur buzzard, Buteo augur
  • common buzzard, Buteo buteo
  • crested honey buzzard
  • eastern buzzard, Buteo japonicus
  • European honey buzzard
  • forest buzzard, Buteo trizonatus
  • gag a buzzard off a gut wagon
  • grasshopper buzzard, Butastur rufipennis
  • grey-faced buzzard, Butastur indicus
  • honey buzzard
  • jackal buzzard, Buteo rufofuscus
  • knock a buzzard off a gut wagon
  • knock a buzzard off a shit wagon
  • lizard buzzard, Kaupifalco monogrammicus
  • long-legged buzzard, Buteo rufinus
  • Madagascar buzzard, Buteo brachypterus
  • moor buzzard
  • mountain buzzard, Buteo oreophilus
  • red-necked buzzard, Buteo auguralis
  • rough-legged buzzard
  • rufous-winged buzzard, Butastur liventer
  • stink a buzzard off a gut wagon
  • turkey buzzard
  • upland buzzard, Buteo hemilasius
  • white-eyed buzzard, Butastur teesa


Further reading

  • buzzard on Wikipedia.Wikipedia




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