

释义 风(風)[fēng]1. (空气流动) wind:清风cool [refreshing, pleasant] breeze;台风typhoon;飓风hurricane2. (风气; 风俗) practice; atmosphere; custom:移风易俗change prevailing habits and custom;树新风foster healthy tendencies;纠正不正之风correct unhealthy tendencies;节约成风。Thrift has become the prevailing practice.3. (景象) scene; view:风光sight; scene; view4. (态度) attitude:作风style; way;学风style of study5. (风声; 消息) news; information:闻风而逃flee at the news6. (指民歌,《诗经》里的《国风》,是古代十五国的民歌) a section in The Book of Songs consisting of ballads:采风collect ballads7. (某些疾病) disease:羊痫风epilepsy;鹅掌风fungal infection of the hand;中风stroke8. (姓氏) a surname:风胡子Feng Huzi1. (借风力吹干) put out to dry or air:风干air-dry2. (借风力使纯净) winnow:风净well-winnowed1. (借风力吹干的) air-dried:风肉air-dried meat2. (传说的; 没有确实根据的) rumoured; groundless:风言风语slanderous gossip




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