

释义 疏(Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ 疎)[shū]1. (疏通) dredge (a river, etc.)2. (疏忽) neglect:疏于职守negligent of one's duties3. (分散; 使从密变稀) disperse; scatter:仗义疏财be generous in aiding needy people1. (事物之间距离远; 事物的部分之间空隙大) thin; sparse; scattered:几点疏星a few scattered stars;疏林sparse woods;疏疏的几根胡子a sparse beard;河边疏疏落落有几棵柳树。The river was sparsely lined with willow trees.2. (关系远; 不亲近) (of family or social relations) distant:不分亲疏regardless of relationship (family or social)3. (不熟悉) not familiar with:人地生疏be unfamiliar with the place and the people; be a complete stranger4. (空虚) scanty:才疏学浅have little talent and less learning;志大才疏have great ambition but little talent1. (封建时代臣下向君主分条陈述事情的文字) memorial to the throne2. (古书的比“注”更详细的注解) commentary3. (姓氏) a surname:疏广Shu Guang




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