

单词 عامة



ع م م (ʿ-m-m)


Derived from the feminine form of active participle of the verb عَمَّ (ʿamma).


عَامَّة (ʿāmma) f (plural عَوَامّ (ʿawāmm))

  1. (uncountable, construct) the major or most general part (of), the majority or generality (of); most (of), most
    Synonyms: أَكْثَر (ʾakṯar, the majority (of)), جُلّ (jull, most of), أَغْلَب (ʾaḡlab, the more overwhelming part (of)), مُعْظَم (muʿẓam, the greater part (of))
    تِلْكَ إِرَادَةُ عَامَّةِ ٱلشَّعْبِ
    tilka ʾirādatu ʿāmmati š-šaʿbi
    This is the will of the majority of the people!
    عَامَّةُ ٱلنَّاسِ يُرِيدُونَ هٰذَا
    ʿāmmatu n-nāsi yurīdūna hāḏā
    Most people want that.
    1. (collective, definite or construct, derogatory) the people who have not gone through moral, theological, and/or philosophical instruction and training or who are oblivious to mysterious, esoteric, or occult knowledge; the laity; the common unlearned people, the populace, the hoi polloi, the multitude
      Antonyms: خَاصَّة (ḵāṣṣa, the few; the clergy; the elite), فَلَاسِفَة (falāsifa, the philosphers), عُلَمَاء (ʿulamāʾ, the theologians; the clergy; the sages), مُثَقَّفُون (muṯaqqafūn, the educated and cultured; the intellegentsia)
      دَعْكَ مِنَ اَلْعَامَّةِdaʿka mina l-ʿāmmatiIgnore the many.
      رَاَيْتُ عَامَّةَ ٱلنَّاسِ وَخَوَاصَّهُمْ
      raaytu ʿāmmata n-nāsi waḵawāṣṣahum
      I saw the commoners and the intellectuals
      عَوَامّ الشَّعْبِʿawāmm aš-šaʿbithe [unlearned] laymen of the people
    2. (collective, definite or construct, derogatory) the people or sects thought to be like the laity in their simple-mindedness, ignorance, or numerousness; simpletons
      اَلْعَامَّة مِنَ الْمُتَفَلْسِفَة
      al-ʿāmma(t) mina l-mutafalsifa
      the simpletons among the would-be philosphers
  2. (countable, rare) a raft


Derived terms

  • عَامِّيّ (ʿāmmiyy)


عَامَّةً (ʿāmmatan)

  1. generally
    Synonym: عُمُومًا (ʿumūman)
    Antonym: خَاصَّةً (ḵāṣṣatan, especially)
  2. altogether, entirely
    Synonym: جَمِيعًا (jamīʿan, together; all)

Usage notes

In its numerating sense, the word simply denotes "the general, widespread majority" (as opposed to those who are simply numerically fewer) or, more specifically, "the public". However, the pejorative uses are so predominant that it is sometimes hard to distinguish whether the reference to the higher numbers implies disparagement or not. Blunter demeaning often pivots on lack of knowledge, be it moral, religious, and theological, philosophical, or secular (that is, non-religious), hence their being visualized as a class of multitudes that is respectively contrasted with the اَلْخَاصَة (al-ḵāṣa, the theologically and/or philosophically erudite; the occultists); with اَلْفَلَاسِفَة (al-falāsifa, the philosphers); and, more recently, with اَلْمُثَقَّفُون (al-muṯaqqafūn, the intelligentsia). By analogy, the word is very commonly found in sectarian polemics, where it centralizes the purported affectation of knowledge of the ideological rivals.


عَامَّة (ʿāmma) f

  1. feminine singular of عَامّ (ʿāmm)


  • Lane, Edward William (1863), عامة”, in Arabic-English Lexicon, London: Williams & Norgate
  • Steingass, Francis Joseph (1884), عامة”, in The Student's Arabic–English Dictionary, London: W.H. Allen




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