

单词 بند «پ»

بند «پ»


FWOTD – 14 October 2018


The "p" is in reference the words پارتی بازی (pârti-bazi, nepotism, cronyism) or پارتی (pârti). Compare Gulf Arabic فيتامين و and German Vitamin B.


  • (Iranian Persian) IPA(key): [ˌbæn.de.ˈpʰe]


بند «پ» (band-e "pe")

  1. (informal, sarcastic) Paragraph (p) (a fictional clause used as a reference to cronyism).
    چطوری تونستی تو اون اداره استخدام بشی؟
    طبق بند پ.
    Četori tunesti tu un edâre estexdâm beši?
    Tebq-e band-e pe.
    How did you manage to get employed by that office?
    Per the Paragraph (p).
    • 2006 July 16, Kayhan (18566), page 10:
      آقاي وزير، بند«پ» را خط بزن
      Mr. Minister, Strike Down the Paragraph (p)
    • 2010 April 21, Iran (4483), page 21:
      البته نمايندگي هايي هم بودند كه با آغوش باز كار مشتريانشان را راه مي انداختند كه اين موضوع نيازمند بند معروف «پ» (پارتي) بود.
      ... though there were VARs which would readily assist their customers, but this case needed the famous Paragraph (p) (cronyism).
    • 2011 September 26, Shargh (1352), page 3:
      استفاده از بند «پ» در پرونده بقايي رييس ديوان عدالت اداري خبر داد
      estefâde az band-e "pe" dar parvande-ye baqâyi ra'is-e divân-e edâlat-e edâri khabar dâd
      Using Paragraph (p) in Baqai Case: Head of the Bureau of Administrative Justice Reported
    • 2011 October 4, Shargh (1359), page 3:
      [...] توضيح داد: هر جاي قانون ديوان عدالت اداري را كه گشتيم، چيزي به نام بند«پ» پيدا نكرديم، بنابراين ايشان توضيح دهند منظورشان از بند «پ» چيست تا من بررسي كرده و پاسخ آن را بدهم؛ چرا كه ايشان طوري صحبت كرده اند كه ما واقعا فكر كرديم بند «پ» يك ماده قانوني است.
      [...] [he] explained: we could not find anything called "Paragraph (p)" wherever we searched in the Code of the Bureau of Administrative Justice, so he should explain what he meant by "Paragraph (p)" so that I would check and respond, since he talked in such a way that we thought "Paragraph (p)" is actually an article.
    • 2011 October 5, Etemaad (2277), page 3:
      «آنقدر بگرديد تا «بند پ» را پيدا كنيد.»
      "Search as much as you wish to find the Paragraph (p)".
    • 2014 July 9, Iran (5690), page 8:
      از اين به بعد خريد حمايتي کتاب از ناشران و به دنبال آن تجهيز کتابخانه ها، بدون درنظر گرفتن بند نانوشته«پ» انجام مي شود.
      ... is done without considering the unwritten Paragraph (p).
    • 2014 September 18, Shargh (2117), page 7:
      اما نمي توان منکر وجود بند «پ» شد و هنوز حضوري جدي دارد.
      .. but the existence of Paragraph (p) can not be denied and it still has a strong presence.
    • 2014 September 27, boursenews.ir, "بند" پ" تنها راه یافتن شغل؟":
      بند "پ" تنها راه یافتن شغل؟
      band-e "pe" tanhâ râh-e yâftan-e šoğl?
      Paragraph (p), The Only Way to Find a Job?
    • 2015 May 5, entekhab.ir, "۲.۵ میلیون بیکار به دنبال بند "پ""
      2.5 میلیون بیکار به دنبال بند "پ"
      2.5 milyun bikâr be dombâl-e yâftan-e band-e "pe"
      2.5 Million Unemployed People in Search of Paragraph (p)




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