

单词 ողկոյզ


Old Armenian


The origin is uncertain. Related to Middle Armenian կոյզ (koyz, bunch of grapes) and possibly the second part of Old Armenian ընկոյզ (ənkoyz, walnut).


ողկոյզ (ołkoyz)

  1. bunch of grapes
    • 5th century, with changes and additions in later centuries, Baroyaxōs [Physiologus] Earliest recension (TR).17.3–5:[1]
      Բարոյախաւսն ասէ զոզնոյ, թէ յորժամ ելանէ յողկոյզն որթոյ, արկանէ ի խոնարհ զպտուղն եւ սփռէ ի գետնին եւ ինքն թաւալի ի վերա․ եւ կառչին պտուղքն ի խոչսն, եւ առեալ տանի ձագուցն իւրեանց եւ թողու լոկ զշրուանդսն։
      Baroyaxawsn asē zoznoy, tʿē yoržam elanē yołkoyzn ortʿoy, arkanē i xonarh zptułn ew spʿṙē i getnin ew inkʿn tʿawali i vera; ew kaṙčʿin ptułkʿn i xočʿsn, ew aṙeal tani jagucʿn iwreancʿ ew tʿołu lok zšruandsn.
      • Translation by Gohar Muradyan
        Physiologus says about the hedgehog, that when it climbs to the bunch of grapes of the vine, it drops the fruits down and scatters them on the ground, and it itself rolls on top, and the grapes stick to its quills, and it takes them to its young and leaves the bunch empty.
  2. bunch, cluster of other fruits or flowers growing on a single stalk (e.g. dates)
  3. (as an adjective, rare) young, tender, new, fresh
  4. (rare) swarm of bees


Derived terms

  • գեղեցկողկոյզ (gełecʿkołkoyz)
  • խնկողկուզակ (xnkołkuzak)
  • խնկողկուզիկ (xnkołkuzik)
  • խնկողկուզուկ (xnkołkuzuk)
  • մահողկուզեան (mahołkuzean)
  • ողկուզաբեր (ołkuzaber)
  • ողկուզաբոյծ (ołkuzaboyc)
  • ողկուզազարդ (ołkuzazard)
  • ողկուզալի (ołkuzali)
  • ողկուզալից (ołkuzalicʿ)
  • ողկուզական (ołkuzakan)
  • ողկուզաւոր (ołkuzawor)
  • ողկուզուկ (ołkuzuk)
  • ողկուզօրէն (ołkuzōrēn)
  • քաջողկոյզ (kʿaǰołkoyz)


  • Armenian: ողկույզ (ołkuyz)


  1. Muradyan, Gohar (2005) Physiologus: The Greek and Armenian Versions with a Study of Translation Technique (Hebrew University Armenian Studies; 6), Leuven – Paris – Dudley: Peeters, pages 115, 151

Further reading

  • Ačaṙean, Hračʿeay (1977), ողկոյզ”, in Hayerēn armatakan baṙaran [Armenian Etymological Dictionary] (in Armenian), volume III, 2nd edition, a reprint of the original 1926–1935 seven-volume edition, Yerevan: University Press, page 553b
  • Awetikʿean, G.; Siwrmēlean, X.; Awgerean, M. (1836–1837), ողկոյզ”, in Nor baṙgirkʿ haykazean lezui [New Dictionary of the Armenian Language] (in Old Armenian), Venice: S. Lazarus Armenian Academy
  • Bănățeanu, Vlad (1961), “Observații în legătură cu termenii pentru arbuști în limba armeană [Notes on Armenian shrub terminology]”, in Studii și cercetări lingvistice (in Romanian), volume 12, issue 4, page 526 of 515–540
  • Bläsing, Uwe (2019), “Die armenischen Pflanzennamen in Peter Simon Pallas’ Flora Rossica. Eine Studie zu Etymologie und sprachlicher Interaktion”, in U. Bläsing, J. Dum-Tragut, T.M. van Lint, editors, Armenian, Hittite, and Indo-European Studies: A Commemoration Volume for Jos J.S. Weitenberg (Hebrew University Armenian Studies; 15) (in German), Leuven: Peeters, page 29
  • Hübschmann, Heinrich (1897) Armenische Grammatik. 1. Theil: Armenische Etymologie (in German), Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, page 273
  • J̌ahukyan, Geworg (2010), ողկոյզ”, in Vahan Sargsyan, editor, Hayeren stugabanakan baṙaran [Armenian Etymological Dictionary] (in Armenian), Yerevan: Asoghik
  • Karst, Josef (1928) Alarodiens et proto-Basques: contribution à l'ethnologie comparée des peuples asianiques et liby-hispériens (in French), Vienna: Mekhitarist Press, page 7
  • Lagarde (Boetticher), Paul de (1851) Arica (in Latin), Halle: J.F. Lippert, § 198, page 74
  • Lagarde, Paul de (1854) Zur Urgeschichte der Armenier: ein philologischer Versuch (in German), Berlin: W. Hertz, § 837, page 30
  • Lagarde, Paul de (1877) Armenische Studien (in German), Göttingen: Dieterich, § 1728, page 119
  • Марр, Н. Я. (1915), “Яфетические названия деревьев и растений (Pluralia tantum). III [Japhetic names of trees and plants (Pluralia tantum). III]”, in Известия Российской Академии Наук. VI серия (in Russian), volume 9, issue 10, page 942
  • Olsen, Birgit Anette (1999) The noun in Biblical Armenian: origin and word-formation: with special emphasis on the Indo-European heritage (Trends in linguistics. Studies and monographs; 119), Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter, page 937
  • Petrosean, H. Matatʿeay V. (1879), ողկոյզ”, in Nor Baṙagirkʿ Hay-Angliarēn [New Dictionary Armenian–English], Venice: S. Lazarus Armenian Academy




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