射击散布图 shot pattern; shot group;
射击: 射击散布图 shot pattern; shot group;
[书] (丧命) meet one's death; perish
[书] (人的风格或品格) one's style of work as well as one's moral quality
[书] (仰慕) look up to; admire:
[书] (传信的使者) messenger
[书] (凭藉) rely on; depend on
[书] (出兵) dispatch troops to fight; send out an army
[书] (发言) speak; make a statement
[书] (古时指平民) the common people; commoners
[书] (合抱) (of a tree, etc.) so big that one can just get one's arms around
[书] (喜庆的事) happy event
[书](回忆) look back; call to mind; recollect:
[书] (夏天的太阳) summer sun
[书] (天下) land under heaven; the whole world
[书] (失火) cause a fire through carelessness
[书] (守信用的人) honest man
[书] (宽容) tolerate; forgive:
[书] (寄居的地方; 异乡) strange land; foreign land
[书] (小心谨慎的样子) in a discreet and scrupulous manner
[书] (平和; 柔和) gentle; mild
[书] (异议) dissent; objection
[书] (当权) be in power
[书] (形容水声) (of flowing water) babbling
[书] (指人的心) heart
[书] (指父母) one's parents
[书] (授官职; 调用) appoint to an official position
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