

单词 场 2
释义 场(場、塲)[chǎng]1. (进行某种活动的场所) a place where people gather:操场playground; sports [drill] ground;会场meeting-place;剧场theatre;战场battlefield;运动员入场。Athletes enter the arena [sports field].;观众进场。Spectators enter the stadium, etc.2. (农场; 养殖场) farm:国营农场state farm;养鸡 [鸭]场chicken [duck] farm;种马场stud farm3. (场合) site; spot; scene:不在场be absent from the scene;当场抓住caught on the spot4. (舞台) stage:上场come on the stage; enter;下场leave the stage; exit5. (戏剧中较小的段落) scene:第二幕第三场Act ,Scene Ⅲ6. {物} (物质存在的一种基本形式) field:磁 [电]场magnetic [electric] field 1.(用于文娱体育活动) for sports and recreation:一场电影a film show;一场球赛a match; a ball game另见 cháng。




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