

单词 togliere il fiato

togliere il fiato


Alternative forms

  • mozzare il fiato
  • togliere il respiro


Literally, "to remove the breath."


togliere il fiato (a)

  1. to take someone's breath away
    una bellezza da togliere il fiatoa breath-taking beauty (literally, “a beauty that takes one's breath away”)
    • 2013, chapter 1, in F. Scott Fitzgerald; Ferruccio Russo, transl., Il Grande Gatsby [The Great Gatsby], Edizioni Scientifiche e Artistiche, page 40:
      La sua famiglia era smisuratamente facoltosa – anche all'università il suo rapporto disinvolto col denaro era motivo di biasimo – ma ora aveva lasciato Chicago e se n'era venuto nell'Est con un tono, uno stile che toglieva il fiato...
      His family were enormously wealthy – even in college his freedom with money was a matter for reproach – but now he'd left Chicago and come east in a fashion that rather took your breath away...
      (literally, “His family was exceedingly wealthy – even in college his free and easy relationship with money was a reason for reproach – but he had left Chicago and came to the East with a tone, a style that took one's breath away...”)
  2. to bother insistently; to pester
    Synonyms: assillare, annoiare; see also Thesaurus:infastidire




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