

单词 shit sandwich

shit sandwich



shit sandwich (plural shit sandwiches)

  1. (informal, vulgar) Something highly undesirable made triflingly more palatable by attempting to surround it with more tolerable things.
    • 1997 April 17, David Wild, "'News Radio': Series creator Paul Simms talks about the highly likely cancellation of the NBC sitcom," Rolling Stone (retrieved 19 Feb 2017):
      People are starting to realize Thursday night is like a big double-decker shit sandwich with three good pieces of bread, and in between ... don't print that.
    • 2012 April 30, Fred R. Shapiro, "13 Crazy, Dirty Modern Proverbs," Daily Beast (retrieved 19 Feb 2017):
      Life is a shit sandwich: the more bread you have, the less shit you eat.
    • 2017 Feb 17, Kevin Drum, "K.T. McFarland Is Too Much to Swallow, So Robert Harward Turns Down NSA Position," Mother Jones (retrieved 19 Feb 2017):
      After Michael Flynn resigned/was fired as National Security Advisor, everyone breathed a sigh of relief when the top prospect to replace him turned out to be Retired Vice Admiral Robert Harward. . . . Harward pulled out, reportedly calling the offer a "shit sandwich."


  • poop sandwich
  • dirt sandwich
  • nothing sandwich
  • shit soup
  • soup sandwich


See also

  • spoonful of sugar




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