

单词 ricevibile




From ricevere + -ibile.


ricevibile (plural ricevibili)

  1. receivable
  2. that can be tolerated or lived with; acceptable
    • 2020, Barack Obama, chapter 21, in Chicca Galli; Paolo Lucca; Giuseppe Maugeri, transl., Una terra promessa [A Promised Land], Garzanti Libri:
      Alla fine, nell'Assemblea generale dell’ONU tenutasi a New York nel mese di settembre, mi arresi, promettendo al segretario generale che avrei fatto tutto il possibile per essere presente, a patto che dal vertice potessimo attenderci un accordo ricevibile.
      Finally, at the UN General Assembly plenary in New York in September, I relented, promising the Secretary General I'd do my best to attend, so long as the conference appeared likely to produce an agreement we could live with.
      (literally, “In the end, at the UN General Assembly held in New York in the month of September, I surrendered, promising the Secretary General that I would have done everything possible to be present, on the condition that we could expect an acceptable agreement at the summit.”)


  • irricevibile

Derived terms

  • ricevibilità




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