bare motor
motor: bare motor
(抽芽) sprout; put forth buds; germinate; be budding
(担任剧务的人) stage manager
(担任庶务的人) a person in charge of business matters
(担任指导的人) technical adviser
(担任某一课程的教学) give a course; teach a subject; deliver a course:
(担任美术工作的人) art designer
(担保人) guarantor
(担保人) guarantor
(担当为难事情的人) a person handling a delicate matter
(担负的分量极重) almost too much to cope with:
(拆洗机器) strip and clean:
(拇指与食指相联接部分) part of the hand between the thumb and the index finger
(拉拢; 勾结) draw sb. over to one's side; collude with; rope in
(拉拢吹拍) exchange flattery and favours; ramble; traffic in flattery and favours; resort to boasting, flattery and touting; traffic in mutual flattery and commendation; resort to mutual boosting and flattery; flatter and tout each other
(拍摄) take a photograph of; shoot:
(拍马屁的人) adulator
(拐骗之人) abductor
(拖延) drag on
(拘留) keep in custody; detain:
(拘谨) feel or show constraint:
(招惹) incite; provoke
(招牌) shop sign
(拜有名望或有权势的人为师, 自称门生) became a pupil or apprentice to a master
(拜访) pay a visit to; go and see
(拥护佛法) protect and maintain the Buddha -- truth:
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