

单词 moneyholic




money + -holic


moneyholic (plural moneyholics)

  1. (informal) A person obsessed with making and/or spending money.
    • 1982, James E. Kilgore, Dollars & Sense: Family Strength Through Financial Education, Abingdon (1982), →ISBN, page 74:
      Bullish Ben was as close to being a "moneyholic" as I have ever known. His only goal in life seemed to be making money.
    • 2002, Ron Gallen, The Money Trap: A Practical Program to Stop Self-defeating Financial Habits So You Can Reclaim Your Grip on Life, HarperCollins (2002), →ISBN, page 57:
      The long bull market of the nineties gave rise to an enormous increase in individuals owning stock and making their own investment decisions and has bred a whole new generation of moneyholics.
    • 2010, Nikki Atkinson, The Shrewd Christian: You Can't Have It All, But You Can Have More Than Enough, Crown Publishing Group (2010), →ISBN, page 35:
      Okay, time for the financial confessions of a repentant financial sinner: I am a recovering moneyholic.
    • For more examples of usage of this term, see Citations:moneyholic.




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