

单词 manifold


See also: Manifold


Alternative forms

  • manyfold


  • (General American) IPA(key): /ˈmænɪˌfoʊld/, (nonstandard) /ˈmɛnɪˌfoʊld/, /ˈmɛniˌfoʊld/
  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /ˈmænɪˌfəʊld/
  • (file)
  • Hyphenation: man‧i‧fold
  • Rhymes: -ænɪfoʊld
  • Rhymes: -əʊld

Etymology 1

From Middle English manifold, from Old English maniġfeald (manifold, various, varied, complicated, numerous, abundant, plural), from Proto-Germanic *managafalþaz, equivalent to many + -fold. Cognate with Middle High German manecvalt (manifold), Icelandic margfaldr (multiple). Compare also German mannigfaltig (various), Dutch menigvoudig (various), Danish mangefold (multiple), Swedish mångfald (diversity).


manifold (comparative more manifold, superlative most manifold)

  1. Various in kind or quality; diverse.
    The manifold meanings of the simple English word set are infamous among dictionary makers.
  2. Many in number, numerous; multiple, multiplied.
    • 1549 March 7, Thomas Cranmer [et al.], compilers, “The Supper of the Lorde, and the Holy Communion, Commonly Called the Masse”, in The Booke of the Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacramentes, [], London: [] Edowardi Whitchurche [], OCLC 56485293, folio cxxix, recto:
      And although we be vnworthy (through our manyfolde ſynnes) to offre vnto thee any Sacryfice: Yet we beſeche thee to accepte thys our bounden duetie and ſeruice: and commande theſe our prayers and ſupplicacions, by the Miniſtery of thy holy Angels, to be brought vp into thy holy Tabernacle before the ſyght of thy dyuine maieſtie: []
  3. Complicated.
  4. Exhibited at diverse times or in various ways.
    • c. 1384, I Petre 4:10 (Wycliffe's Bible):
      [] the manyfold grace of God.
    • 1611, Ephesians 3:10 (w:King James Bible):
      The manifold wisdom of God.
  • (various in kind or quality): diverse, various, varied, multiplicitous; See also Thesaurus:heterogeneous
  • (many in number): multiple, numerous; see also Thesaurus:manifold
  • onefold
  • singlefold
Derived terms
  • manifolder
  • manifoldly
  • manifoldness


manifold (comparative more manifold, superlative most manifold)

  1. Many times; repeatedly.
    • 1590, Spenser, Edmund, The Faerie Queene, book 1, canto 12:
      when his daughter deare he does behold, / Her dearely doth imbrace, and kisseth manifold.
  • manyfold, frequently, ofttimes; see also Thesaurus:often


manifold (plural manifolds)

  1. (historical) A copy made by the manifold writing process.
  2. (mechanics) A pipe fitting or similar device that connects multiple inputs or outputs.
  3. (US, dialectal, chiefly in the plural) The third stomach of a ruminant animal, an omasum.
    • 1830 Anson, Somerset Co. Me., accessed 12 June 2007
      My conjecture being right he will find the third stomach, or manifolds, the seat of difficulty.
  4. (mathematics) A topological space that looks locally like the "ordinary" Euclidean space and is Hausdorff.
  5. (computer graphics) A polygon mesh representing the continuous, closed surface of a solid object
Usage notes
  • In mathematics, a manifold of some number of dimensions n is termed an n-manifold (e.g. 3-manifold).
(mathematics) generic families of manifolds
  • Flag manifold
  • Grassmann manifold
  • Stiefel manifold
(mathematics) manifolds definable by a particular choice of atlas
  • analytic manifold
  • complex manifold
  • differentiable manifold
  • piecewise linear manifold
  • smooth manifold
  • topological manifold
(mathematics) manifolds Manifolds with additional structure
  • almost complex manifold
  • almost symplectic manifold
  • Calabi–Yau manifold
  • calibrated manifold
  • complex manifold
  • contact manifold
  • CR manifold
  • Finsler manifold
  • Hermitian manifold
  • Hyperkähler manifold
  • Kähler manifold
  • Lie group
  • pseudo-Riemannian manifold
  • Riemannian manifold
  • Sasakian manifold
  • semi-Riemannian manifold
  • spin manifold
  • symplectic manifold
(mathematics) infinite-dimensional manifolds
  • Banach manifold
  • Fréchet manifold
  • Hilbert manifold
(mathematics) other manifolds
  • Ck-manifold
  • connected manifold
  • Cω-manifold
  • C-manifold
  • E8 manifold
  • Einstein manifold
  • Finsler manifold
  • G2 manifold
  • Kervaire manifold
  • Lorentzian manifold
  • manifold with boundary
  • n-dimensional manifold
  • n-manifold
  • non-Hausdorff manifold
  • non-smoothable manifold
  • pure manifold
  • Quaternionic Kähler manifold
  • real manifold
  • Ricci-flat manifold
  • Spin(7) manifold
  • submanifold
  • Weeks manifold
  • Whitehead manifold
Derived terms
  • chain of manifolds
  • continuous manifoldness
  • discontinuous manifoldness
  • manifoldness
  • manifold writing

Etymology 2

From Middle English manifolden, from Old English maniġfealdan (to multiply, abound, increase, extend, reward), equivalent to many + -fold. Cognate with Middle High German manecvalten, Icelandic margfalda (to multiply), Swedish mångfaldiga (to manifold, reproduce).


manifold (third-person singular simple present manifolds, present participle manifolding, simple past and past participle manifolded)

  1. (transitive) To make manifold; multiply.
  2. (transitive, printing) To multiply or reproduce impressions of by a single operation.



manifold m (plural manifolds)

  1. (historical) manifold

Further reading

  • manifold”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.




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