

单词 integrationsprøve




integration + -s- + prøve



  1. a test of correct integration whereby one differentiates the result and ascertains that this equals the original integrand
    • 2005, Gyldendals Minilex. Matematik, Gyldendal Uddannelse →ISBN, page 131
      ... integrationsprøve, en metode til at afgøre om en integration er udført korrekt.
      ... integration test, a method to determine whether an integration has been done correctly.
    • 2005, Gyldendals Minilex. Matematik, Gyldendal Uddannelse →ISBN, page 264
      At undersøge, om funktionen F(x) er en stamfunktion til f(x) ved at differentiere F, kaldes at udføre integrationsprøven.
      To investigate whether the function F(x) is an antiderivative of f(x) by differentiating F is called to perform the integration test.
  2. a test that immigrants must take
    • year unknown, Folket med de trætte okser, Tom Ahlberg →ISBN, page 200
      Efterhånden får de uddannelse og job, stifter familie og finder nye veje. De fleste består integrationsprøven.
      As time goes by, they get educations and jobs, found families and find new ways. Most pass the integration test.
    • 2015, Information, "EU-Dom: OK til integrationsprøve for udlændinge i Holland"
      I 2010 fik tredjelandsstatsborgere i Holland pligt til at bestå en integrationsprøve, der tester sprogkundskaber og viden om det hollandske samfund, for at opnå status som fastboende udlændinge.
      In 2010, citizens of third-party countries [i.e. non-EU citizens] were given the duty to pass an integration test testing language skills and knowledge of Dutch society in order to achieve status as permanently residing foreigners.






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