

单词 in dovere

in dovere



Literally, in duty. Compare French en devoir.

Prepositional phrase

in dovere

  1. obliged, bound
    Synonym: in obbligo
    • 2020, Barack Obama, chapter 26, in Chicca Galli; Paolo Lucca; Giuseppe Maugeri, transl., Una terra promessa [A Promised Land], Garzanti Libri:
      In realtà, Trump passava talmente tanto tempo su Fox News che presto si sentì in dovere di aggiungere nuovi dettagli.
      In fact, Trump was on Fox so much that he soon felt obliged to throw in some fresh material...
      (literally, “In reality, Trump was spending so much time on Fox News that he soon felt obliged to add new details.”)

Usage notes

  • Typically preceded by reflexive verbs of belief like sentirsi (to feel oneself), credersi (to believe oneself), etc.




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