

单词 Henny Penny

Henny Penny



Henny Penny (plural Henny Pennies)

  1. One who panics at the slightest provocation.
    • 1984, Carol Chambers Collins, Our Food, Air and Water: How Safe Are They?, Facts on File (1984), →ISBN, page 27:
      The Henny Pennies who forecast doom and disaster thus have been proved hysterics who could use some est or encounter sessions to calm their anxieties.
    • 2001, Seymour B. Sarason, American Psychology & Schools: A Critique, Teachers College Press (2001), →ISBN, page 130:
      I know that in some quarters I am regarded as a kind of wet blanket, a Henny Penny predicting doom and gloom.
    • 2006, Rebecca Knuth, Burning Books and Leveling Libraries: Extremist Violence and Cultural Destruction, Praegar Publishers (2006), →ISBN, page 209:
      On April 11, in a tense news conference during a period when the looting dominated the news, Rumsfeld dismissed the media by calling them “Henny Pennies,” a reference to a children's tale in which the main character runs around, declaring that the sky is falling.


  • (one who panics easily): Chicken Little

See also

  • Wikipedia article on Henny Penny




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