

单词 harvest moon

harvest moon



Extra light provides longer hours for the harvesting that occurs in the Northern Hemisphere at this time of year.


harvest moon (plural harvest moons)

  1. The first full moon of autumn by a tropical year.
  2. The full moon nearest the autumn equinox, when the moon rises the latest and lowest in the sky and seems to appear the biggest, as seen from the Northern Hemisphere.
    • 1945 August 17, George Orwell [pseudonym; Eric Arthur Blair], chapter 6, in Animal Farm: A Fairy Story, London: Secker & Warburg, OCLC 3655473:
      Boxer would even come out at nights and work for an hour or two on his own by the light of the harvest moon.


  • wine moon, singing moon, elk call moon
  • wolf moon, hunger moon, old moon (January)
  • snow moon, ice moon (February)
  • worm moon, sap moon, sugaring moon, crow moon, storm moon (March)
  • pink moon, egg moon, grass moon, rain moon, growing moon, wind moon (April)
  • flower moon, planting moon, milk moon, hare moon (May)
  • strawberry moon, rose moon, honey moon, mead moon (June)
  • buck moon, thunder moon, deer moon, hay moon (July)
  • sturgeon moon, corn moon, fruit moon, barley moon (August)
  • harvest moon, gypsy moon (September)
  • hunter's moon (October)
  • beaver moon, frosty moon, snow moon (November)
  • cold moon, long Night moon, winter moon (December)


See also

  • blue moon
  • wet moon




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