

单词 Great Replacement

Great Replacement


Proper noun

the Great Replacement

  1. The gradual demographic and cultural replacement of the white French population, or (by extension) other white European populations, by non-European peoples who are deliberately assisted by elites, according to a nationalist conspiracy theory.
    • 2021, Andreas Önnerfors, ‎André Krouwel, Europe: Continent of Conspiracies
      The opponents of the 'Great Replacement' have to be 'united to form a common front on a pan-European level', since the battle stands between 'replacists' and 'non-replacists' only (43–44).
    • 2021, Tom Brass, Marxism Missing, Missing Marxism (page 241)
      [] instead of depicting this development as evidence for the Great Replacement []
  • replacism
  • replacist




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