

单词 fatphobe




fat + -phobe


fatphobe (plural fatphobes)

  1. A person who worries excessively about the fat content of their food.
    • 2005, Jane Stern & Michael Stern, Roadfood: The Coast-to-Coast Guide to 500 of the Best Barbecue Joints, Lobster Shacks, Ice Cream Parlors, Highway Diners, and Much, Much More, Broadway Books (2005), →ISBN, page 519:
      The Thursday special of sweet/sour spareribs in a pineapple sauce is a joy, but not for the fatphobe.
    • 2010, Nigella Lawson, Kitchen: Recipes from the Heart of the Home, Knopf (2010), →ISBN, unnumbered page:
      I prefer this — the pork fat made the sauce a little too oily for absolute comfort, and I am no fatphobe, as you know — and more pointedly so do my children.
    • 2012, Eileen Daspin, The Manhattan Diet: Lose Weight While Living a Fabulous Life, John Wiley & Sons (2012), →ISBN, unnumbered page:
      And clearly, so do a lot of other ladies around town—you know, the no-cream-in-the-soup crowd, the no-butter-in-the-risotto customer, your garden-variety fatphobe.
  2. One who has a negative perception of fat people and/or obesity.
    • 1997, BBW, Volume 18, Issues 1-6, page 18:
      Here's a perfect reply to a fatphobe: "It's not my fat you hate, it's yourself. And you have every reason to."
    • 2002, BBW, Volume 22, Issues 3-4, page 56:
      What if my seatmate was a sadistic fatphobe who would lean on our shared armrest just to see me wince in pain as it dug into my hip?
    • 2009, Beth Bernstein and Matilda St. John, "The Roseanne Benedict Arnolds: How Fat Women Are Betrayed by Their Celebrity Status", in The Fat Studies Reader (eds. Esther Rothblum & Sondra Solovay), New York University Press (2009), →ISBN, page 264:
      Fat girls everywhere thrilled to Tracy Turnblad, Ricki Lake's unforgettable character in John Waters's 1988 movie Hairspray: a round, rebellious teen who remained outrageously self-accepting in the face of fatphobes.




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