

单词 endorreic





  1. Misspelling of endorheic.
    • 1981, Maria-Rosa Miracle, “Biogeographica del Zooplàncton dels Llacs dels Pirineus [Biogeography of the Zooplankton from the Lakes of the Pyrenees]”, in Biogeografia de la Mediterrània Occidental [Biogeography of the Western Mediterranean] (Treballs de la Institució Catalana d’Història Natural [Works of the Catalan Institute of Natural History]; 9), Barcelona: Institució Catalana d’Història Natural, →ISBN, summary, page 147:
      The calanoid species more frequent in the Pyrenees is Diaptomus cyaneus, species with a relict occurrence in Dalmatia, endorreic and litoral lagoons of the western Mediterranean countries and frequent in the Pyrenees and in the North African Atlas.
    • 2002, Judith García-Rodríguez; Rosaluz Tavera, “Phytoplankton Composition and Biomass in a Shallow Monomictic Tropical Lake”, in Javier Alcocer and S. S. S. [Sudarsana] Sarma, editors, Advances in Mexican Limnology: Basic and Applied Aspects (Hydrobiologia; 467), Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, →ISBN, page 91, column 2:
      The basin of Lake Zempoala is endorreic. Precipitation and running off from the watershed are the only source of water income whose budget is not balanced: annual precipitation and evaporation are 1200–1500 mm and 1600 mm, respectively [...].




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