

单词 could eat the arse out of a low flying duck

could eat the arse out of a low flying duck



could eat the arse out of a low flying duck

  1. (Au, slang) Alternative form of could eat the crotch out of a low flying duck
    • 2002 February 28, LarbGai, “SCT Stats, simplified”, in soc.culture.thai, Usenet:
      Right now though I'm so hungry I could eat the arse out of a low flying duck, so off to put the nose bag on.
    • 2009 August 4, FarmI, “Pollan Good Read On Cooking”, in rec.gardens.edible, Usenet:
      After this exchange, I'm so hungry I could eat the arse out of a low-flying duck.
    • 2010, Dave Ulliott, Devilfish: The Life & Times of a Poker Legend, →ISBN:
      By now I was so hungry I could've eaten the arse off a low-flying duck.
    • 2017, Katherine Boland, Hippy Days, Arabian Nights, →ISBN:
      By now, we were ravenously hungry. 'So hungry I could eat the arse out of a low flying duck,' John joked as he threw a gnarled wattle stump on the fire.




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