dip on one's pocket
pocket: dip on one's pocket
(用心; 居心) intention; design
(用心) intention
(用手估量轻重) weigh in the hand(s)
(用手接触) touch; handle:
(用抵押方式借的款子) a loan on security
(用拂拭的动作把东西除去或归拢在一处) sweep (away); scrape together:
(用拂拭的方式除去或取去) brush away
(用来吊起重物或把车厢连接起来的钩) tieback; pullback; shackle; hitch; hitching; drawbar; coupling; {电工} dropper; hook hitch; latch hook; towing eye
(用枪刺格斗) bayonet charge; fight with bayonets:
(用某人的名义) under one's name
(用此方法饲养的鸭子) force-fed duck
(用武力吞并) swallow up; annex:
(用武力平靖) put down (a rebellion, etc.); stamp out; suppress:
(用水洗掉手上的污染物,比喻不再干某项职业) wash one's hands of sth.
(用烧热的火剪烫发) have one's hair permed; perm
(用片状物扇风) fan
(用石头雕刻的作品) carved stone
(用竹、木、麻、 陶瓷等制成的日用品) household utensils made of wood, bamboo, clay, etc.
(用简单的笔墨描写事物) give a brief account of; outline:
(用细棉纱或棉麻纺织成的平纹布) cambric; grass lawn; haircords; dimity
(用药消食) relieve indigestion with a drug; help (with medicine) to digest and excrete
(用言语或诗文应答) respond with a poem or speech
(用这种粉制成的面条) noodles made from such flour
(用铣床切削的工作) milling (work)
(用锤子敲打) hammer into shape
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