aileron knob shaft
shaft: aileron knob shaft
(武装起义) uprising; insurrection; outbreak; street violence:
(死了妻子) just lose one's wife
(死了) dead and gone; be already dead; breathe one's last
(死亡) die:
(死人入殓时穿的衣服) shroud; burial suit
(死人头骨) human skull; death's head
(死去的) late husband
(死去的) late wife
(死后嘉奖) cite [award] posthumously:
(死心眼儿的人) person with a one-track mind
(死结束了一个人的一切烦脑) Death ends all one's troubles.:
(残酷; 冷酷) cruel; ruthless:
(残酷;暴烈)cruel; fierce:
(毁灭的途径) the road to ruin; no way out; doomed:
(母畜全部怀孕) (of sheep, cattle, etc.) all with young
(每一个) every:
(每一笔的开始) the start of each stroke in writing a Chinese character
(每年出版一次的刊物) annual; annals
(每色花筒)印花面积 peg coverage;
(比不上) cannot compare with; no match for:
(比划) measure with one's hand or arm; make a gesture of measuring:
(比前一时期再往前的) before last:
(比喻不可长久依傍的权势) backer that one can only depend on temporarily
(比喻不得志) full of frustrations; unlucky; bad luck:
(比喻严酷; 惨酷) bloody; bloodily
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