

单词 Ch'in


See also: Chin, chín, chỉn, -chin, and chîⁿ



From Mandarin (Qín), Wade–Giles romanization: Chʻin².[1]

Proper noun


  1. Alternative form of Qin
    • 1962, Leonard Cottrell, The Tiger of Chʻin: The Dramatic Emergence of China as a Nation, Holt Reinhart and Winston, page 220:
      In this "Memorial," his last appeal to the emperor, Li Ssu described his long life of service to the state of Ch'in. He recalled the day when, as a young, unknown scholar, he had entered the service of the minister Lu Pu-wei. In those days, he wrote, "Ch'in 's territory did not exceed a thousand li and its soldiers did not number more than a hundred thousand."
    • 1965, Cho-yun Hsu, Ancient China in Transition An Analysis of Social Mobility, 722-222 B.C., Stanford University Press, page 45:
      Lu Pu-wei was a prosperous businessman in the large city of Han-tan in Chao, where he met a prince of Ch'in who was being kept as hostage in the capital.
    • 1980, Laurence A. Schneider, A Madman of Ch'u: The Chinese Myth of Loyalty and Dissent, University of California Press, →ISBN, page 174:
      A bit of local lore claims that this mound is actually one of twelve in the area. The others were decoys, raised by the people to confuse the "traitors of Ch'u and the troops of Ch'in who would have desecrated the Corpse of Ch'ü Yüan."



  1. Qin dynasty, (Wade-Giles romanization) Ch’in, in Encyclopædia Britannica


  • HNIC, Inch, ichn-, inch




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