

单词 check your privilege

check your privilege



check your privilege

  1. (as imperative, with to-infinitive) Used to urge someone to examine their own speech and actions for bias or presumption due to social privilege and to curb or check any such bias or presumption.
    • 2017, Chambers, Clare, “Ideology and Normativity”, in Aristotelian Society, DOI:10.1093/arisup/akx008:
      The idea that the dominant lack the tools to recognize their role in systems of oppression is currently in the cultural ascendant. It underpins the instruction to ‘check your privilege’.
    • 2017, “Integrating Talent and Diversity Management”, in The Oxford Handbook of Talent Management, Oxford University Press, DOI:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198758273.013.17:
      Although many privileged groups may recognize the disadvantage of another group, for instance the underrepresentation of individuals from working-class backgrounds in elite occupations such as law and banking, they may not recognize or accept their own “over-privilege.” The objective of such training would be to get advantaged employees to check their power and privilege, and reflect on this alongside other components of socioeconomic inequality, such as race, gender, faith, and sexuality.


See also

  • cis privilege




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