cross head pin bearing
bearing: cross head pin bearing
平均航速 average speed;
平均色散 mean dispersion;
平均螺距 mean pitch;
平均视差 mean parallax;
平均计价法 average price method;
平均计算操作 average calculating operation;
平均误差 mean error;
平均误差时间 meantime between errors (MTBE);
平均读数 average reading;
平均负荷[载] average load; mean load;
平均货币工资 average earnings;
平均质量检查界限 average outgoing quality limit (AOQL);
平均资金利润率 average profit rate on funds; average profit margin; average rate of profit on investment;
平均轨道 mean orbit;
平均转数 average revolution;
平均载波 mean carrier;
平均载滤频率 mean carrier frequency;
平均载频 mean carrier frequency;
平均边缘线 average-edge line;
平均运动 {天} mean motion;
平均运算 average calculating operation;
平均运算操作 average calculating operation;
平均运算时间 average calculating operation time;
平均运距 {土} average haul distance;
平均进口倾向 average propensity to import;
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