

单词 centauress




centaur + -ess


centauress (plural centauresses)

  1. A female centaur; a she-centaur
    • 1775 A catalogue of impressions in sulphur of antique and modern gems from which pastes are made and sold, page 55
      1575. A CENTAURESS ſuckling a child. Cornelian.
    • 1800 Letters from Itality, page 122
      a Centaureſs with a young Man, ſhe holds a cymbal of gilt-bronze, the thrones of Venus and Mars, with their attributes, are in the fame picture
    • 1820 Lucian of Samosata - Volume 1 - Page 772
      On a grass-plot of the most glossy verdure lies the centauress, with the whole equine part of her stretched on the ground, the hind feet extending backwards: while the upper female part is gently raised, and reclining on one elbow.
    • 1837 Travels in Crete, Volume 2, page 12
      we see, from the emptied drinking-vessel of the Centauress before us, that the God did not neglect to requite them for their zeal
  • centaurette




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