

单词 CDO-cubed



Alternative forms

  • CDO cubed


CDO-cubed (plural CDO-cubeds)

  1. (finance) A type of CDO (collateralized debt obligation) that invests in CDO-squareds.
    • 2005, Jan Job de Vries Robbé and Paul U. Ali, Securitisation of Derivatives and Alternative Asset Classes: Yearbook 2005, Kluwer Law International, page 41:
      Given the number of CDO Squared transactions in the marketplace, and the continued narrowing of corporate spreads, the emergence of CDO Cubed could be regarded as almost inevitable.
    • 2009, Les Leopold, The Looting of America: How Wall Street's Game of Fantasy Finance Destroyed our Jobs, Pensions, and Prosperity and What We Can Do About It, Chelsea Green Publishing, page 92:
      But what if you can't sell all the bottom tranches of the CDO-squared securities? You guessed it. You form another pool of those untouchablescalled a CDO cubedand tranche away again.
    • 2012, Oonagh McDonald, Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac: Turning the American Dream into a Nightmare, Bloomsbury Academic, page 317:
      A CDO squared is a CDO that only uses other CDOs as collateral. The CDO cubed is a special purpose vehicle with securitization payments in the form of tranches. A CDO cubed is backed by CDO squared tranches, allowing the banks to resell the credit risk they had taken once again by repackaging their CDO-squared.




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