counter hand cover
cover: counter hand cover
(褥子的布罩) mattress cover
(西医) Western medicine
(西式点心) Western-style pastry
(西方的) west:
(西餐) Western meal; meal in Western style
(要求上进) eager to improve oneself; try hard to make progress:
(要求别人做事) May I trouble you?; have the goodness to do sth.:
(要求参加战斗) ask to take part in battle:
(要求真本领的工作) demanding solid, painstaking work or real skill:
(见闻; 知识) experience; knowledge; sensibleness:
(观光; 游览) tour; sight-seeing
(规模) the structure of an organization; setup:
(规章制度) restrictions and fetters
(规规矩矩) well-behaved; good:
(解不开) indissoluble:
(解决办法) solution; settlement
(解放军战士) PLA man
(解放出来) free oneself; stand up; throw off the oppressor; be liberated:
(解释性文字) explanatory notes on the title or background of a book
(解除顾虑或限制) have a free hand; go all out; have more access to:
(触动) touch sth., moving it slightly
(言外之意) what is actually meant; implication:
(言语曲折费思索) involved; knotty; tricky:
(言语行动出乎常规之外) overstep the bounds:
(警报汽笛) siren
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