

单词 carroll




carroll (plural carrolls)

  1. (archaic) Alternative form of carol.
    • c. 1595–1596, William Shakespeare, A Midsommer Nights Dreame. As it Hath Beene Sundry Times Publikely Acted, by the Right Honourable, the Lord Chamberlaine his Seruants, [London]: Printed by Iames Roberts, published 1600, OCLC 35186948, [Act II, scene i]:
      The humane mortals want their winter heere / No night is now with hymme or carroll bleſt; / Therefore the Moone (the gouerneſſe of floods) / Pale in her anger, waſhes all the aire; / That Rheumaticke diſeaſes do abound.
    • 1632, Randle Cotgrave; Robert Sherwood, “Carolle”, in A Dictionarie of the French and English Tongues. Compiled by Randle Cotgrave. Wherevnto is also Annexed a Most Copious Dictionarie, of the English Set before the French. By R[obert] S[herwood,] L[ondoner], London: Printed by Adam Islip, OCLC 954942797:
      Carolle: f[eminine]. A kind of daunce wherein many daunce together; alſo, a Carroll, or Chriſtmas ſong.


carroll (third-person singular simple present carrolls, present participle carrolling, simple past and past participle carrolled)

  1. (archaic) Alternative form of carol.
    • 1579, Immeritô [pseudonym; Edmund Spenser], “October. Aegloga Decima.”, in The Shepheardes Calender: [], London: Printed by Hugh Singleton, [], OCLC 606515406; republished as The Shepheardes Calender, [], imprinted at London: By Iohn Wolfe for Iohn Harrison the yonger, [], 1586, OCLC 837880809, folio 41, recto:
      And when the ſtubborne ſtroke of ſtronger ſtounds, / Has ſomewhat ſlackt the tenor of thy ſtring; / Of loue and luſtihead tho maiſt thou ſing, / And carroll lowde, and leade the Millers rounde, []
    • 1656, T. S., “The Third Month Called May hath xxxj Dayes”, in An Almanack for the Year of Our Lord 1656. Being First after Leap Year; and from the Creation 5588. [...] Calculated for the Longitude of 315 gr: and 42 gr: 30 min. of N. Lat: and may Generally Serve for the Most Part of New England, Cambridge, Mass.: Printed by Samuel Green, OCLC 762241472:
      Now Sol hath ſcap't the Oxes horn, / The Ram, the winds, the ſtormes, and harms; / The loving Twins by Leda born, / Will entertain him in their arms. / And Flora ſmiles to feel thoſe beams / Which whilom were with-drawn ſo long. / The pratling birds, the purling ſtreams / Do carroll forth her wedding ſong.




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