

单词 calendar day

calendar day



calendar day (plural calendar days)

  1. (law) A timespan of exactly 24 hours, measured from one midnight to the next.
    • 1997 Nov. 21, "French shopping and lunch from pounds 29," The Independent (UK) (retrieved 26 May 2014):
      Travel insurance is available at the special price of pounds 4 for one calendar day, pounds 10 up to 36 hours.
    • 2004 June 24, Laura Mansnerus, "Trenton Approves $28 Billion Budget Plan," New York Times (retrieved 26 May 2014):
      The $28 billion budget was approved by committees in both houses Wednesday. Since one calendar day must elapse before a floor vote, the votes will take place after midnight Thursday unless Republicans agree to suspend the rule.
    • 2012 May 2, Simon Burnton, "The terrorist outrage in Munich in 1972," The Guardian (UK) (retrieved 26 May 2014):
      "[T]he Games were stopped for a full 24 hours, though it was not a calendar day."
  2. A day having a conventional designation on a recognized calendar, such as a numerical identification within a named month.
    • 1844, Ralph Waldo Emerson, chapter 2, in Essays: Second Series:
      '[T]is wonderful where or when we ever got anything of this which we call wisdom, poetry, virtue. We never got it on any dated calendar day.
    • 2001, Yann Martel, Life of Pi, published 2007, →ISBN, page 186:
      My story started on a calendar day — July 2nd,1977 — and ended on a calendar day — February 14th, 1978 — but in between there was no calendar.
    • 2006 June 5, Jeremy Caplan, "A Devil of a Day," Time (retrieved 26 May 2014):
      The number 666 has long held significance . . . that it's a mark of the devil. But now that the actual calendar day is about to arrive — on Tuesday, 6/6/06 — it's not only the superstitious among us who are looking ahead nervously.


  • (24 hours, measured from one midnight to the next): civil day



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