

单词 bust-out man

bust-out man



bust-out man (plural bust-out men)

  1. (gambling, slang) A cheat who surreptitiously exchanges normal dice with crooked ones such as "busters".
    • 1956, Clyde Brion Davis, Something for Nothing (page 88)
      Now it is reasonable to assume that some of those winners were professional dice-hustlers and "bust-out" men, the latter term meaning one proficient in switching misspotted dice in and out of a game.
    • 1969, Bruce Jackson, A Thief's Primer (page 165)
      They started out dealing craps in my uncle's joint and I've used both of them as bust-out men in my joint and I know he got beat.
    • 1978, John Scarne, Scarne's Guide to Casino Gambling (page 173)
      Many rug and carpet joints in Nevada and elsewhere have, at one time or another, been cheated out of vast sums of money by bust-out men. In 1967, a top casino on the Las Vegas Strip was taken for $350,000 in several plays by dice cheats.




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