

单词 风化
释义 风化风化[fēng huà]1. (风俗教化) morals and manners; decency:有伤风化an offence against decency2. {化}(化合物失去结晶水) efflorescence3. {地} (地壳表面岩石在大气、水和生物等长期作用下发生破坏或变化) weathering; air-slake
常用词组1.风化变质 {地质} catamorphism; katamorphism;2.风化变质作用 demorphism;3.风化冰山 {海} weathered iceberg;4.风化残积粘土 baliki;5.风化残渣 weathering residue;6.风化层 C-horizon; solum; regolith; mantle rock;7.风化产物 sedentary product;8.风化带 {地质} zone of weathering;9.风化地貌 weathering landform;10.风化分解露头 decomposed outcrop;11.风化硅石 {地质} tripoli; rottonstone; terra cariosa;12.风化硅质灰岩 rottonstone; terra cariosa;13.风化过程 efflorescence;14.风化花岗岩 weathered granite;15.风化花岗质砂岩 grus; gruss; grush; residual arkose; weathering crust; residuum;16.风化矿床 deposit produced by weathering;17.风化煤 danty;18.风化面 weathering front;19.风化母岩 weathered matrix;20.风化石 land waste; sap;21.风化石灰 air slacked lime;22.风化势指数 weathering-potential index;23.风化试验 slacking test;24.风化相 eksedofacies;25.风化穴 tafoni;26.风化岩石 decayed rock; mantle rock;27.风化原油 weathering crude;28.风化渣 slacking slag;29.风化作用 slacking; weathering




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