

单词 预期
释义 预期预期[yù qī]1.expect; anticipate:预期利益anticipated profits;达到预期的效果achieve the desired results;较预期的更好beyond (one's) expectation;这项工作现在进展得正如预期的那样快。The work is making as much progress as can fairly be expected.成绩比预期的大。The success is greater than expected.
常用词组1.预期爆心投影点 desired ground zero;2.预期发育前途 prospective significance;3.预期费用准则 expected-cost criterion;4.预期分析 predictive analysis;5.预期检修 planned preventive repair;6.预期开支 anticipated expenditure;7.预期利润 anticipated profit; expected profits;8.预期利息 anticipated interest; anticipatory interest;9.预期前方点 set forward point;10.预期社会化 anticipatory socialization;11.预期实际标准成本 expected actual standard cost;12.预期使用寿命 expected service life; life expectancy;13.预期收益 prospective earnings; expected return;14.预期寿命 life expectancy;15.预期税收国库券 tax anticipation bills;16.预期网络 anticipation network;17.预期违约 anticipatory breach of contract;18.预期心理 psychological expectations;19.预期行动 anticipatory action;20.预期运费 anticipated freight; contigency freight;21.预期值 expected value




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