静电式除尘器 electrostatic precipitator;
静电式: 静电式除尘器 electrostatic precipitator;
指数值 exponential quantity; exponential value;
指数函数 {数} exponential function; quantity in the exponent;
指数函数表 table of exponential function;
指数函数近似 exponential function approximation;
指数分布服务 {运筹学} exponential service;
指数分布 {统} exponential distribution;
指数势阱 exponential well;
指数区分符 exponent specifier;
指数(反应)堆 exponential pile; exponential reactor;
指数变化电压 exponential voltage change;
指数变换 exponential transform;
指数吸引势 exponential attractive potential;
指数和 exponential sum;
指数响应 indicial response;
指数喇叭 {工声} exponential horn;
指数因数 exponential factor;
指数图像字符 exponent picture character;
指数型 exponential type; type of index numbers;
指数基 base index;
指数大气 exponential atmosphere;
指数子程序 exponential subroutine;
指数存活曲线 exponential survival curve;
指数定律 exponential law; law of exponents; {数} law of indices;
指数实验 {核} exponential experiment;
指数寄存器[记录器] index register;
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