

单词 bruffin




Blend of brioche + muffin.


bruffin (plural bruffins)

  1. A combination of a brioche and a muffin.
    • 2015 February 11, Sun Sentinel, volume 55, number 292, page 1:
      But it wasn’t until he invented the cronut — a croissant/doughnut hybrid — after striking out on his own, that he ascended to star status. Time magazine called it one of the best inventions of 2013, and it birthed several other hybrid pastries including the bruffin (brioche/muffin), the duffin (doughnut/muffin) and the scuffin (scone/muffin).
    • 2015 November 6, Daily News, page 23:
      With O Magazine creative director Adam Glassman at her side, Winfrey whittled gifts down from more than 500 choices. Making the cut are multiculti Barbies; a sampler of intoxicating gardenias, lilies and orchids; a fab faux-fur pet jacket; wireless speakers Winfrey calls “the creme de la creme”; and the bruffin, a savory treat the Daily News celebrated in January as the “buttery love child of a muffin and a brioche.”
    • 2016 March 7, Evening Standard, page 53:
      A breakfast highlight is the “bruffin”, a delicious but caloric muffin crossed with a brioche.
    • 2016 October 27, Tracy Beckerman, “Pass me a cronut or maybe a duffin!”, in The Gazette, page 10:
      “What’s a duffin?” he asked hesitantly. “It’s part doughnut part muffin. The cruffins and bruffins looked good too, but I didn’t want to go crazy, so I just stuck with the cronuts.” “What the heck are you talking about?” he said. “A cruffin is part croissant part muffin and a bruffin is part brioche and part muffin,” I replied.




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