

单词 集体
释义 集体集体[jí tǐ]1.collective; community; group; team:集体领导, 分工负责collective leadership with individual responsibility under a division of labour;战斗的集体a militant collective;荣立集体二等功gain a Collecitve Award of Merit, Second Class
常用词组1.集体安全体系 collective security system;2.集体保险费 group insurance premiums;3.集体备课 collective preparation of instruction;4.集体变距操纵 collective pitch control;5.集体病假 sick-out;6.集体财产 collective property; property collectively owned;7.集体财产所有人 owners of collective property;8.集体产品 group product;9.集体承包 be run by a collective under contract; the collectively contracted system;10.集体承包经营 contractual operation by a collective;11.集体储备粮 collective-grain reserve;12.集体创作 a collective creation;13.集体传动 {电工} collective drive;14.集体存款 collective deposit;15.集体(用户)电话 group telephone;16.集体电视 community television; community TV;17.集体电子 collective electrons;18.集体电子论 collective electron theory;19.集体定货 group order;20.集体动力学 {心理} group dynamics;21.集体发光(现象) collective luminescence;22.集体防护 collective protection;23.集体风险论 collective risk theory;24.集体福利 collective welfare;25.集体福利事业 collective welfare undertakings;26.集体业 collective side-occupation;27.集体付款制 group payment system;28.集体耕种 collective cultivation;29.集体观念 collective spirit;30.集体号码 macrocode;31.集体合同 collective contract;32.集体交易 collective bargaining;33.集体基金 collective fund;34.集体激发 collective excitation;35.集体激发态 exciplex (产生在染料激光器内);36.集体剂量当量 {核子} collective dose equivalent;37.集体剂量当量负担 {核子} collective dose-equivalent commitment;38.集体计件制 group piece work system; gang piece work system;39.集体奖励制 group incentive system;40.集体交易 block transaction;41.集体接收 community reception;42.集体接收电视用放大器 line amplifier for community TV receiving system;43.集体精神疗法 collective psychotherapy;44.集体经济 collective economy;45.集体竞赛 mass game;46.集体控制 gang control;47.集体利益 collective interest;48.集体疗法 {心理} group therapy;49.集体领导 collective leadership;50.集体面谈法 group interviewing;51.集体农庄 collective farm;52.集体企业 collective enterprise;53.集体商业 collective commerce;54.集体生产劳动 collective productive labour;55.集体宿舍 dormitory;56.集体所有制 collective ownership;57.集体谈判 collective bargaining;58.集体特技 relative work;59.集体提留 accumulation and retention of common funds by the collective; amount retained by the collective; certain deductions have been made by the collective; output to be retained by the collective;60.集体无意识{心理} collective unconscious;61.集体舞 group dancing;62.集体现象 collective phenomena; cooperative phenomena (等离子);63.集体项目 team event;64.集体消费 collective consumption;65.集体理{教} collective mind;66.集体心理亲合 {教} group cohesiveness;67.集体心理治疗 {心理} group psychotherapy;68.集体协议 collective agreement;69.集体行为 collective behavior;70.集体英雄主义 collective heroism;71.集体议价 collective bargaining;72.集体越冬群聚 syncheimadia;73.集体跃进 collective transition;74.集体运动 {物} collective motion;75.集体支付工资制 group system of wage payment;76.集体治疗 group therapy;77.集体主义 collectivism;78.集体自力更生 collective self-reliance




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