

单词 钻 1
释义 钻(鑽)[zuān]1. (用尖物在另一物体上转动) drill; bore:钻个眼儿drill a hole; bore2. (穿过; 进入) go through; penetrate; pierce; get into:钻山洞pass through a tunnel; get into a cave;钻进密林深处go deep into a forest;月亮从云缝里钻了出来。The moon broke through the clouds.我冷得钻心。The cold pierced me to the heart.3. (钻研) make a penetrating study of; study intensively; dig into:钻书本dig into books;钻上了数学study hard at mathematics;他要是钻一个问题, 就非钻个水落石出不可。When he digs into a problem he does not give up until he gets to the bottom.1.(姓氏) a surname:钻荼Zuan Tu另见 zuàn。




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