量子论 {物} Planck's theory; quantum theory;
量子: 量子论 {物} Planck's theory; quantum theory;
中草酸 mesoxalic acid;
{中药} bark of magnolia
{中药} black-bone chicken; Gallus Domesticus
{中药} dried tangerine peel
{中药} pangolin scales; squama manitis
{中药} prepared rhizome of rehmannia
{中药} saffron
{中药} the fruit of date plum (柿树科落叶乔木, 亦称“黑枣”、“软枣”、“羊矢枣”, 果实可供食用, 亦可入中药)
{中药} the rhizome of cyrtomium; rhizoma polystichi; thizoma aspidii; basket fern; Chinese [Japanese] aspidium; Rhizoma Dryopteris Crassirhizomae
{中药} the root of balloonflower
{中药} the root of large-flowered skullcap; Radix scutellariae
{中药} the root of membranous milk vetch; Radix astragali; astraglus base
{中药} the tuber of multiflower knotweed
{中药} the tuber of pinellia (经炮制的块茎叫“制半夏”, 止咳、祛痰、止吐)
中药催醒剂 herbal analeptic;
中药剂量 dosage of drug;
中药加工 Chinese medicinal herb processing;
中药加工机 traditional medicine processing machinery;
中药化学 chemistry of Chinese materia medica;
中药化学成分 chemical composition of Chinese materia medica;
中药厂 pharmaceutical factory of traditional Chinese drug;
中药基本理论 basic theory of Chinese materia medica;
中药外敷external application of Chinese medicine;
中药外用法 external use of Chinese medicine;
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