

单词 透镜
释义 透镜透镜[tòu jìng]1.{物} lens; optical lens:凹透镜concave lens;凸凹透镜convex-concave lens;分光透镜beam-splitting lens;复合透镜compound lens;凸透镜convex lens
常用词组1.透镜表 lens measure (gauge);2.透镜表面反射 reflection from lens surface;3.透镜薄膜 lens blooming;4.透镜测试表 lens testing chart;5.透镜磁罗盘 lensatic compass;6.透镜垫片 {光} lens shim;7.透镜定中心磨边机 lens-centering edging machine;8.透镜镀膜 coating of lenses;9.透镜反射 reflection from lens;10.透镜方程 {光} lens equation;11.透镜放大率计 auxiometre; auxometer;12.透镜分辨能力 lens factor;13.透镜分光计 lens spectrometer;14.透镜高温计 lens pyrometer;15.透镜共焦线 confocal lens line;16.透镜鼓 lens drum;17.透镜光导管 lens light guide;18.透镜光阑 lens stop;19.透镜光阑孔 lens diaphragm opening;20.透镜光栅 lenticulation;21.透镜光学能力 lens power;22.透镜光轴(线) lens axis;23.透镜护圈簧 lens retainer spring;24.透镜畸变 lens distortion;25.透镜畸变误差 error of lens distortion;26.透镜(框)架 lens mount; lens carrier;27.透镜焦距 {光} focal length of lens;28.透镜校正角 lens-corrected horn;29.透镜镜筒 lens barrel;30.透镜径向失真 lens radial distortion;31.透镜空间 lens space;32.透镜孔径比 ratio of lens aperture;33.透镜率 speed of lens;34.透镜帽 lens hood;35.透镜磨光 {玻} lens grinding;36.透镜耦合瞄准器 lens-coupled viewfinder;37.透镜曲率 lens curvature;38.透镜扫描盘 lens scanning disc;39.透镜视场照明 lens field illumination;40.透镜水平角 horizontal lens angle;41.透镜体 {地} lens;42.透镜天线 {电磁} lens antenna;43.透镜天线误差 error in lens antenna;44.透镜筒 {讯} lens drum;45.透镜像差 lens aberration;46.透镜有效孔径 effective lens aperture;47.透镜折射率 index of refraction in lens;48.透镜折射率计 phacometer;49.透镜轴 axis of lens;50.透镜组 lens




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