

单词 适应
释义 适应适应[shì yìng]1.suit; adapt; get with it; fit:适应社会需要fit in with the needs of the society;适应新环境find one's feet [legs];使自己的思想适应新情况adapt one's thinking to the new conditions;如果你试一试的话, 我相信你一定能适应。I am sure you can get with it if you try.他不适应这种乡村小镇的单调生活。He was not used to the tedious of life in a small country town.
常用词组1.适应变化论 {语} adaptation theory;2.适应变异 adequate variation;3.适应变异性 adequate variability;4.适应不良 maladjustment;5.适应范围 accommodation;6.(地区)适应分化 kladogenesis;7.适应辐射 adaptive radiation;8.适应功能 adaptive functions;9.适应规范 adaptive norm;10.适应过程 procedure of adaptation; adaptive process;11.适应河 adjusted stream;12.适应机 adaline;13.适应计 adaptometer;14.适应进化 adaptive evolution;15.适应类型 adaptive form;16.适应理论 the accommodation theory;17.适应亮度 adaptation brightness;18.适应酶 adaptive enzyme;19.适应耐受性 adaptation tolerance;20.适应能力 adaptation; acclimatization;21.适应气候 acclimatization;22.适应趋同 epharmonic convergence;23.适应趋异 adaptive divergence;24.适应水平 adaptation level (AL);25.适应退化 adaptive regression;26.适应系数 accommodation coefficient;27.适应型 ecad; epharmone;28.适应现象 adaptation;29.适应形态 adaptation form;30.适应训练 adaptation training;31.适应元件 adaptive element;32.适应证 idicatio;33.适应症 indication;34.适应值 adaptive value




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