边界积分方程法 boundary integral equation method;
边界: 边界积分方程法 boundary integral equation method;
(画像) head portrait
(画在神像头部的光辉) bright light around the head of a god or Buddha in a picture
(画报) pictorial
(画水彩画的笔) water-colour paint brush
(畅销) very popular; sell like hot cakes:
(界限划得很分明) sharply divided
(畏缩不安) uneasy and unnatural
(留声机) gramophone
(略微) somewhat; rather; a bit:
(疏忽) negligent; careless:
(疏远; 不亲近) not as close as before:
(疏远; 迂阔) unrealistic; impracticable
(疑问) unknown factor; unsolved problem:
(疼痛难忍的样子) contort one's face in agony; grimace in pain
(疼痛难忍) heartrending; agonizing; gnawing:
(疾病)减退期 myosis; miosis
(病人在医院从一科转到另一科) go to a different medical division; transfer from one department to another
(病人就医) see a doctor; consult a doctor; go to a doctor; receive medical advice:
(病危) be critically ill; near death; be terminally ill
(痊愈) be cured; be healed:
(痛处) sore:
(痛快) with alacrity; readily:
(登山营地) base camp; nerve centre:
(白墙) whitewashed wall
(白天的一半) half of the day:
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